               The purpose of this website continues to make "spiritual tools" available to those seeking to deepen their spiritual lives by giving orientations for growth: in personal prayer; in serious reflection on various aspects of prayer and spirituality; and in the ministry of companioning others on the inward journey.
Although the resources and materials on this page do not fit neatly under the above categories, they do harmonize with the quotation:

"Every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven
is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom
both the new and the old."... (Matthew 13:52)

          Hope in Troubled Times: A New Vision for Confronting Global Crises  -- A book with a title that indicates what it really does. "Hope in Troubled Times pulls off the difficult feat of communicating, in a gracious and nonjudgmental way, the dire straits in which our society finds itself today. Others have used the concept of idolatry as a category of social critique; no one has ever used it with such biblically-informed power and specificity. The analysis is sobering; no punches are pulled. But the ultimate context is hope, not despair. It's a remarkable achievement."-- Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale Divinity School.

                    Week Of Directed Prayer In A Church Setting -- Download the original 1997 manual in PDF format.

          Download Orientations Vol 1 as an ebook click here or if you prefer a zip file click here             

          Scripture Themes For Prayer  -- Thirteen themes with scripure texts that can be used as a resource while directing retreats of various designs, lengths, and purposes

In Memory of Ron Barnes SJ "Teacher" -- click here to open in separate window.

         Three Friends, a reflective poem originally from the French by lay missionary Fabienne Theytaz -- expresses our desire to love God with all our hearts with the pull of loving many other things at the same time.

          Transformative Meditations For Spiritual Healers  -- by Don Evans  This is an explorative essay  designed for use in a course on "Christian Spiritual Healing" and is of interest to anyone seriously involved in spiritual practice. In particular it explores the contrast between "self-emptying" and "being filled," plus the use of self-healing through touch before being a instrument for healing others.

          On Hospitality, an important aspect of the spirituality of the priest who ministers in a parish setting -- a homily given by Gregory Carruthers, SJ

          The Sacred Journey Preparing for Easter -- A Biblical Reflection by Ernest Varosi, C.R. taken from the material used by Father Varosi during his 2003 Lenten Journey Workshop in Our Lady of Sorrows Parish (St. Mary's), Kitchener, ON

The Spiritual Legacy Of Bogdan Janski 
Founder of the Congregation of the Resurrection

by Ernest A. Varosi, C.R.

          Pigeons, Feathers And All  -- There are three basic paths we can choose to travel as we respond to life . . . of these basic paths only one leads us to authentic openness.

          Retreat Clippings -- Simple photographic scenes and reflections during a winter retreat in Loyola House, Guelph, Ontario. Click here to open in separate page.

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