Image of J. Veltri


        John Veltri entered the Society of Jesus in 1950. After the usual studies as a Jesuit, he began to work in retreat ministry in 1967. Since 1986 he has been confined to a wheelchair with a form of muscular dystrophy. 

        In 1993 he retired from the staff at Loyola House and, for many years, continued to be associated with the Guelph Centre of Spirituality, now called the Ignatius Jesuit Centre Of Guelph. Presently he resides at the infirmary for Canadian Jesuits called René Goupil Jesuits in Pickering, Ontario, Canada which is on the same property as Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre. Over the years he has often referred to himself as making spirituality accessible to non-professionals and to people who hunger for spirituality but have had little or no training in theology.

        His little book,  Orientations, Volume 1: A Collection Of Helps For Prayer  has been a very practical instrument for people from various denominations. A large portion is available by clicking on the title.

      Orientations, Volume 2: Part A and Part B -- For Those Who Accompany Others On The Inward Journey, is a handbook and study manual for anyone engaged in spiritual direction using the Ignatian tradition. Simply written, it is based on experience and it is useful in the various aspects of spiritual guidance. The major portion of the book is available by clicking on the title.

      The Week Of Directed Prayer In A Church Setting  is a manual on how to give a directed retreat in a church setting for those who are not able to make one away from home. Since 1983, this retreat structure has been used in very practical ways in various church buildings around the world. This whole manual is available by clicking on the title.

       At present John Veltri continues to develop his own website, Orientations For Spiritual Growth, on which you are presently surfing, as a ministry.  As well,  he has  been helping others to create their own websites.  Among these websites are the following examples:

        From time to time as a hobby Veltri takes spiritual writings hidden in professional spirituality journals and makes them available to a wider audience. He has been part of that spiritual movement which has taken the Catholic tradition of spiritual theology and helped people understand it in their hearts and practice it in their lives so as to give them some balance in our ever changing times.

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