John English, SJ
A Prayer Exercise On Creaturehood At this juncture I will give a way entering into our sense of creaturehood. At the start it is important to recall that my whole life story is an experience of grace. It expresses the continuous activity of the Trinity through humans and other creatures who sustain me and constantly give me new life. These others are an expression of the Creator's loving presence to me and the whole universe. A first step in this exercise is to recall experiences of creaturehood. These can be from within oneself or from beyond oneself. Experiences within oneself are those of fragility, contingency, uncertainty, etc. Experiences from outside oneself are those of fright or panic as happens in an accident or when facing a wild animal. A second step is to reflect on the experience so as to appreciate what has happened. This can lead to a description of being a creature and eventually the whole meaning of being a creature and the spiritual sense of creaturehood. It is helpful to recall the philosophical transcendentals that apply to all things: all things are one; all things are beautiful; all things are true; and all things are good. These transcendentals apply to ourselves as humans and they are enhanced by are relationship with all other things of the universe. The following exercise is to point out the experiences of transcendence coming to us in our relationship with other things of the universe and to heighten awareness of our sense of creaturehood through reflection of our interconnectivity (57) with all other things of the universe. Scriptural
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God ... in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies.(Rom 8:19-25).The desire of my heart: I ask for the grace to discover and appreciate my sense of creaturehood as an intimate act of the Trinity's loving presence with me throughout my life within the community of life of the universe. Ways of
oneself to receive the grace I seek:
First, have I had a sense of being a creature from within? What was the occasion? What happened to me? When did I have an experience from outside myself? What was the occasion? What happened to me? What new awareness has been given to me about myself, about my relationship to other creatures and to God? Second, I reflect on my sense of existence and consider how I am sustained in life. Point
I reflect on the interconnectedness of all things in the universe and my sense of identity with all the other things of the universe for my existence:
I reflect on the various things of beauty in the world as an expression of The Beautiful:
I look over my life story searching out those experiences that indicate, "I am a beloved of the Trinity." In particular I consider my experiences with other creatures that highlight this truth of my being.
I recall that the Genesis statement that after the creation of humans God was pleased and saw that humans were very good indeed. I look over my life experiences to become aware of the many ways in which other creatures of the universe have brought me into existence and sustain me in life. I reflect on the truth that all things are good and calling me to The Good. I consider how the other creatures of the earth show forth their goodness to me. Point
I reflect on my interconnectivity with all that is and how they are the instrument of my communication with all things. I reflect on the sounds that are present on the earth calling to me:
I enter
into the various
ways that I communicate with others, the planets, humans, animals and
I reflect on the ways various creatures show affection towards me and call me to express myself in a compassionate and heart-felt way:
I consider how creatures with their
gifts call me beyond
I look over my life story with the other creatures of the universe, searching out those experiences of light that have consoled me and lifted me up. I look over my life story in terms of the other creatures of the universe, searching out those experiences of chaos, suffering, disorder, dysfunction and shadow that give me an appreciate of the marvellous compliance of other creatures before the mysterious actions of the Trinity and the ways in which newness and hope arises in the universe and in me.
I let my sense of dependency and connectedness with the rest of
emerge into conversation with the Creator of all. I express whatever
for example, amazement, insights, awe, appreciation, gratitude,
etc. I pray to offer myself to the Creator in ways that will enhance
beautiful expression of love to me in this evolving universe. ... I
with the prayer Jesus taught us.
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Fax Keller: "The new buzzword for understanding living systems is
as scientists switch their focus from reducing everything to its
parts." (Winnipeg, Free Press, Friday, March 28, 2003.)