1 God, the Caring One, loves us and
cares for us
Grace Deep confidence and trust in God's desire
to nurture us
Lk 11:1-13 Rabbi,
teach us to pray ... how much more will the heavenly Abba give the Holy Spirit
Lk 12:22-31 Lilies of the field .seek first the realm of God
1 Jn 4:7-19 Love consists in this: not that we have loved God but that God
has loved us first
Psalm 121 Our
guardian God is at your right hand
Supplementary Readings
Ps 23 God our true Shepherd
Ps 62 Trust in God alone
Ps 63:1-8 O God, you are my God whom I seek
Ps 91 You who dwell in the shelter of the most high
Ps 131 Trust ... like a child at its mother's breast
Ps 145 Give praise for God's greatness ... you open your hand
and satisfy every living thing
Deut 32:1-14 Song of Moses praising God for taking care of Israel, the apple
of God's eye
Is 25:1-9 On this mountain the Holy One will provide for all peoples; you
are a refuge for the poor
Is 41:8-16 Israel, I grasp your right hand
Jn 14:16-28 I will not leave you orphans ... peace is my gift to you ... Rom 5:1-11 The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit ...
Rom 8:26-34 The Spirit helps us in our weakness ... God is for us Eph 3:14-21 May our God, both mother and father, strengthen you inwardly through the working
of the Spirit ... God's power in us can do more than we can ask or
Heb 4:14-16 We have a compassionate high priest
Grace Deep wonder and awe before the mystery of
our personal existence
Ps 139:1-18 My God, you have probed me and you know me
Ps 8 Who
are we that you should be mindful of us, that you should care for us?
Is 45:9-12 Dare
the clay say to its potter, "What are you doing?"
Ex 3:1-14 Moses
bows down before the burning bush
Supplementary Readings
Ps 104 Praise God the creator
Job 38 & 39 Where were you when I made the universe?
Wis 11:21-26 Before you the whole universe is a grain
Wis 13:1-9 From the beauty of created things, by analogy, their original
author is seen
Jer 18:1-10 Potter's vessel .rise up be off to the potter's house, there I
will give you my message
Dan 3:51-90 Canticle of praise
Gen 1:24-2:3 We were created in God's image
Rom 9:19-21 Does not the potter have the right to make plain vessels and
fancy ones
Job 1:21 Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I shall return
3 God gives God's very self to us in
a relationship of love
Grace Amazement that God relates to us personally
Is 4:1-4 You
are precious in my eyes
Hos 11:1-9 When
Israel was a child
Lk 22:14-20 Jesus gives the eucharist
Rom 8:26-39 Spirit helps us in our weakness
Supplementary Readings
Deut 1:29-33 The Lord goes before you and will fight for you ... God carries
you as a parent does one's own child
Deut 7:7-9 Not because you are the largest of nations does God love you
Is 49:13-16 Can a mother forget her infant ... your name is written on my
Is 54:5-10 For the one who has become your spouse is your maker
Jn 3:16-17 For God so loved the world Jn 14:16-28 I will not leave you orphans; the spirit will instruct you in all things ... peace is my gift
Eph 1:3-14 God's plan of salvation ... in Christ Jesus we were chosen
Deut 8:1-5 God's care as manifested in the exodus ... God disciplines
you as a parent does one's own child
4 All I have comes from God
Grace Deep-felt knowledge that all is gift
Jm 1:16-19 Every
worthwhile gift comes from above
Job 1:21 Naked
I came forth from my mother's womb
1Cor 4:7 Name
something you have not received
Eph 1:3-14 God's
plan of salvation ... in Christ Jesus we were chosen
Supplementary Readings
Deut 8:6-20 For the Holy One is bringing you into a land of wheat. Do not forget where your prosperity comes from
Lk 12:22-31 Which of you by worrying can add a moment to your life-span
Matt 10:29-33 As for you every hair on your head has been counted
Jn 15:1-8 Apart from me you can do nothing
Eph 2:1-10 It is owing to the Caring One alone that salvation is yours
through faith ... it is God's gift
Phil 2:13 God, our mother in labour brings to birth in you every measure
of desire or achievement
Rom 9:19-21 Does not the potter have the right to make plain vessels or
fancy ones 2Cor 4:5-18 The treasure we possess is in earthen vessels to make clear that power comes
from God and not from us ... continually we carry within our bodies
the dying of Jesus
1 P 2:9-10 You are a chosen race ... a people Jesus the Lord claims for
his own
Job 38:1-40:5 Where were you when I made the universe Ti 3:3-8 We were once foolish but when the kindness of God appeared we were saved not
because of any righteous deeds
5 God desires to forgive us
Grace Deep awareness of God's eagerness to
forgive us
Ps 103 For
as the heavens are high above the earth so surpassing is the Holy One's
Lk 15:11-32 Prodigal son and prodigal father
Lk 5:12-14 Healing
of the leper ... of course I want to
1 Jn 1:5-2:2 If we acknowledge our sins, the Just One can be trusted to
forgive us
Supplementary readings
Ps 130 Out of the depths I cry ... with God is plenteous
Ps 107
God, the saviour of all in distress Is 55:1-13 All you who are thirsty come ... my thoughts are not your thoughts ...
Ez 16:1-22;59-63
Allegory on
the faithless spouse
Lk 18:9-14 Parable of the pharisee and the publican
Jn 10:7-18 I am the good shepherd; I lay down my life for my sheep
Rom 5:12-21 Humanity's sin through Adam ... grace and life through Jesus Rom 8:28-39 If God is for us who can be against us ... is it possible that the one whose own son
was not spared would not be on our side 2Cor 5:17-21 Anyone in Christ is a new creation ... God in Christ was reconciling the world to
God's self For our sakes God made Jesus to be sin Rev 7:9-17 Huge crowd before the lamb ... salvation is from our God ... God will lead them to
springs of life-giving water ... and God will wipe every
tear from their eyes
6 Jesus desires to save us
Grace To appreciate more deeply that only Jesus
is my saviour
Lk 19:1-10 Story of Zacchaeus
Lk 7:36-50 Sinful woman washes the feet of Jesus
Mk 5:21-43 Woman with a haemorrhage; daughter of Jairus
Jn 13:1-9;12-17
Jesus washes
the feet of his disciples
Supplementary readings
Lk 23:32-43 Three helpless people on the cross, one of whom
is our saviour
Jn 8:3-11 Woman caught in adultery Acts 3:1-16 Cure of the cripple -- neither silver nor gold ... it is Jesus' name that has
strengthened the limbs of this man
Rom 5:6-11 While we were powerless Jesus died for us
Rom 7:14-25 What happens is that I do not do the good I
will to do, but the evil I do not intend
Col 1:15-23 Jesus the Lord is the image of the invisible
God ... you yourselves were once alienated
Eph 2:1-10 God rich in mercy ... we were brought to life
in Christ ... this is not your own doing Eph 2:12-22 You were without hope ... Christ broke down the barrier of hostility ... now you
are strangers no longer Gal 4:3-7 God sent forth a son born of a woman ... sent into our hearts the Spirit ...
you are no longer slaves but God's own
Ti 2:11-14 Grace of God has appeared in Christ
Jesus who gathers a Abba's people
7 God calls us in freedom and
Grace To appreciate the freedom necessary to
respond to God's call
Gen 22:1-19 Abraham and Isaac
Phil 3:7-16 I count everything as loss except knowing Christ Jesus
Lk 9:59-62 But first let me bury my mother ... let the dead bury the
Mk 10:17-27 Call of the rich person
Supplementary readings
Ps 42 As a hind longs for running waters, so my soul longs
for you
Ps 63:1-8 Ardent longing for God
Wis 8:17-9:18 Solomon realizes wisdom is God's gift
and prays for wisdom
Deut 6:4-9 You shall love your God will all
your heart and with all your soul Jer 17:5-11 Cursed is the one who seeks strength in the flesh ... blessed is the one who trusts
in the Holy One
Matt 4:18-22 Call of the first disciples who left
all things
Matt 9:9-13 Call of Matthew
Matt 13:44-46 Parable of the treasure and the pearl
Matt 25:14-29 Parable of the talents
Jn 15:1-8;16-17 Vine and the branches
Eph 3:14-21 May Christ Jesus' love be the root and
foundation of your life
Heb 11:8-19 Faith of Abraham
8 God calls us beyond everything
Grace To appreciate how Jesus' love sets us free to cooperate in nurturing the divine
human community of God's household
Lk 1:26-38 Annunciation ... let it be done to me according to your will
Lk 5:1-11 Call of Peter and the first disciples
Jn 3:22-30 He must increase, I must decrease
Lk 18:18-34 Call of the rich man and prediction of the passion
Supplementary readings
Gen 12:1-9 Call of Abraham
Jer 1:1-10 Call of Jeremiah
Is 6:1-10 Call of Isaiah
Jn 1:35-51 Call of the first disciples Phil 1:18-26 Indifference of Paul ... I do not know which to prefer life or death ...
2Cor 12:1-10 Called in spite of weakness ... Christ Jesus
is our strength Eph 3:14-21 May Christ's charity be the root and foundation of your life ... to the one
whose power now at work in us can do more ... .
9 Following of Jesus
Grace To ask for an intimate knowledge of Jesus,
who has become human for me, that I may love him more and follow him more
Matt 3:13-17 Jesus leaves home and is baptized in the river Jordan
Matt 4:1-11 Temptations of Jesus in the desert
Matt 14:22-33 Jesus walks on the water Lk 18:15-43 Jesus and the children; Jesus calls the rich man; prediction of the passion;
misunderstanding of the disciples; healing of the blind man
Supplementary readings
Matt 5:1-16 Beatitudes ... your light must shine
before all
Matt 8:18-27 Jesus has nowhere to lay his head;
Jesus calms the storm Matt 15 Jesus and the Pharisees; interior cleanliness; Canaanite woman; Jesus
heals the suffering; Jesus feeds 4000
1Cor 1:17-31 Wisdom and folly of the cross ... let
those who would boast in the Lord Jesus Matt 20:20-28 Can you drink the cup I am to drink; James and John desire
to sit at Jesus' right hand
10 I am called to cooperate with
Jesus' Spirit in establishing a realm of justice
Grace To appreciate more deeply how I am being
called today to be an instrument for justice in my environment
Lk 4:16-22 Jesus preaches in Nazareth ... the Spirit of the Lord is upon
me to proclaim liberty to captives
Matt 25:31-46 Last judgment ... whatever you do to the smallest one you do to me Matt 23:1-12 Jesus confronts the unjust structures of his day ... They do not practice what they preach for they tie up heavy burdens and lay them on others' shoulders ...
anyone who exalts oneself shall be humbled
Lk 16:19-31 Parable of Lazarus and the rich person
Supplementary readings
Lv 19:1-2;11-18 You must not exploit or rob ... you must love your neighbour
as yourself Is 1:10-26 What do I care about your sacrifices ... make justice your own ... redress the wronged
Is 58:1-12 The fast that pleases me is to
break unjust fetters and undo the thongs of the yoke
Is 61 Spirit of the Lord is upon me to proclaim justice
... they will be called oaks of justice Is 65:17-25 A vision of a renewed world ... no longer shall there be an infant who lives
but a few days ... wolf and lamb shall graze
Ps 34 When the afflicted called out the Holy One heard
Matt 14:13-21 Jesus feeds the five thousand
Acts 4:32-36 Life of the early community of
christians with their goods held in common Acts 6:1-6 Apostles appoint assistants to help in the service of the poor and distressed
11 I am called to exercise
responsibility as part of the paschal mystery
Grace A growing desire to discover my part in the
paschal mystery
Lk 22:14-20 Eucharist
Lk 22:39-46 Agony in the Garden
Lk 23:32-49 Jesus dies on the cross
Lk 24:13-35 Jesus appears to the disciples on the way to Emmaus
Supplementary readings
Lk 9:23-27;44-50;57-62
of discipleship; prediction of the passion; apostolic requirements Matt 10 Jesus calls the twelve and he instructs them; ... vs 21 brother will hand over
brother; ... vs 30 every hair of your head is counted
Jn 12:24-26 Unless a grain of wheat die
Acts 5:40-42 Apostles left full of joy that they had
been worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus
1Cor 1:17-31 Wisdom and folly of the cross ... let
those who boast, boast in the Lord 2Cor 4:5-18 Our treasure is in earthen vessels to show the power of God ... we are afflicted
but not crushed ... in our bodies we
carry the dying of Christ ... Phil 1:27-2:18 It is your privilege to suffer with Jesus ... your attitude must be that of Christ
Jesus who humbled himself ...
work with anxious care to achieve your salvation
1P 4:12-19 Happy are you when you are insulted
for the sake of Jesus' name
Rom 6:3-11 Through baptism into his death we were
buried with him ... death to sin, life in God Phil 3:7-11 I wish to know Christ and the power flowing from his resurrection; likewise to know how to share in his sufferings by being formed into the pattern of his death.
12 The body of Christ
Grace A deep appreciation of how we are all
integrated into the body of Christ Jesus and depend on each other; a growing
desire to serve Jesus in his members by cooperating in the establishment of
God's realm
Rom 12:3-21 Many members one body ... do not think more highly of yourself
than you ought
Lk 22:24-32 Dispute among the apostles as to who is the greatest
Jn 13:1-17 Jesus washes the feet of his disciples Jn 21:15-23 Feed my lambs, my sheep ... suppose I want John to stay until I come how does that concern you
Supplementary readings
Mk 6:30-44 Return of the disciples ... feeding of
five thousand
Lk 10 Mission of seventy-two ... thank you Abba for
revealing ... good Samaritan ... Martha and Mary
Jn 15:9-17 This is my commandment, love one
1Cor 12 & 13 Variety and unity of gifts; analogy of the
body; love is patient, is kind ... .
2Cor 1:3-7 If we are afflicted it is for your
Col 1:24-29 In my own flesh I fill up what is lacking
in the suffering of Christ
Eph 4:1-16 There is one body, one spirit, one God
and Parent over all ... diversity of functions
Phil 2:1-11 Look to others' interests rather
than to your own ... your attitude must be that of Jesus the Lord
Acts 9:1-9 Vocation of Paul ... Saul, Saul why
do you persecute me
13 The Spirit works continually in us
and through the events of our life experiences
Grace Deeper awareness of the presence and power
of the Spirit of Jesus in all the aspects of my life
Jn 14:15-20;25-28 I shall ask
my Abba who will give you another advocate ... the Spirit will teach you
Matt 28:16-20 Ascension ... I am with you all days till the end of time
Acts 2:1-13 Pentecost ... .
Acts 4:5-22 Peter and John speak in name of Jesus and with the power of the
Spirit before
the Sanhedrin
Supplementary readings
Jn 7:37-39 From within will flow rivers of living
Matt 5:13-16 You are the salt of the earth
Jn 15:1-8 Vine and the branches Rom 8:1-27 Living according to the Spirit ... you received a Spirit not of fear but of adoption ...
Abba ... we hope
with all groaning creation ... Spirit prays in our weakness 2Cor 5:13-20 Love of Christ impels us ... we no longer look on others with merely human judgment ... anyone in Christ Jesus is a new creation ... ministers of reconciliation
... we are ambassadors for Christ
2Cor 12:1-10 My power is at work in weakness
Eph 3:14-21 May Christ Jesus strengthen you inwardly through
the power of the Spirit Eph 4:17-32 You must no longer live as pagans do ... you must acquire a fresh spiritual way of thinking ... do nothing to sadden the Holy Spirit with which you were sealed Phil 3:7-21 I count all things as rubbish except knowing Jesus ... power flowing from his resurrection ... I push on to what lies ahead ... our citizenship is in heaven ...
we eagerly await the coming of our saviour Phil 4:4-13 Rejoice in the Lord Jesus always ... in the one who is the source of strength,
I have strength for everything
Gal 5:13-25 Proper use of freedom ... fruit of the spirit
is joy, unity ...