Teach Us To Be Generous

Loving God, teach us to be generous.
Teach us to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to look for rest,
to labour and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that we are following your desires for us.

My Sisters, My Brothers ...... Open To Me!

        We are all God's children. I have knocked at your door. I have called to your heart because I dream of a soft bed, because I am eager for a well-lighted house.  Why do you drive me away? Open to me, my sister!

        Why do you ask, "Am I a native of Africa? Am I from America? Am I from Asia or am I from Europe?" Open to me, my brother!

        Why do you question me about the shape of my nose, the thickness of my lips, the colour of my skin, the names of my gods? Open to me, my sister!

        No, I am not black. No, I am not copper-coloured. I am not olive-skinned. No  I am not white-skinned. I am only a human person. Open to me, my brother!

        Open your door! Open your heart! Because I am human! Human as in all ages!  Human as in all climates! Human like you!


Soul of Christ, Sanctify Us

Soul of Christ, sanctify us
Body of Christ, save us
Blood of Christ, inebriate us
Water from the side of Christ, wash us
Passion of Christ, strengthen us
O good Jesus, hear us
Within your wounds, hide us
Permit us not to be separated from you
From the deceitful enemy protect us,
In the hour of our death, call us
And bid us come to you
So that with your saints,
We may praise you,
Forever and ever.   Amen.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Holy One is with you,
Blessed are you among women.
Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
And at the hour of our death.    Amen

Hail Mary
(an adaptation)

Hail Mary, Joseph, and all you saints in glory,
The Lord is with you
Blessed are you among people,
And blessed is the seed of your blessedness, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Holy Joseph and all you Holy Saints,
True disciples of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us now
And at the hour of our death.    Amen

----  adapted by John Reilly, sj  

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