A Prayer
Inspired By 

Ignatius' Principle And Foundation

          Beloved, Creator of the Universe, I am from you and to you I will return. Till then I am like a fish out of water, an egg standing on end, and an object falling ....

          Everything is created by you. I see your touch in all of creation. They are beautiful and they lead me to you. However I must watch out not to mistake the messenger for the one who sends the message, to take the gift more importantly than the one who gives, or to value any consolation from you or your creation more than you, my Life and my Love. You are my centre. 

          I will let go anything that may hinder my movement toward you. Let not the unclear decisions impose restrictions to my following your path.

          You have given me my memory, my understanding and my will - let my liberty be that of doing your will in freedom. Grant me the grace to love you and all yours.

          Help me remind myself of this daily for the rest of my life.


This is taken with permission from
Random Thoughts (recent)  for 2004-11-07
Vicky Chen's Tidbits Of A Microcosm


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